Vintage decor for the bedroom

The vintage decor in the bedroom is an excellent alternative. We must choose carefully the parts and accessories in this style. If you want to decorate your room you can use unique pieces to get a strong aesthetic that add an irresistible touch to your resting place. Here are some useful tips:

vintage decor for bedroom

For the bedroom decor you will need typical vintage woods such as cherry, walnut or mahogany. If your budget is limited, we recommend buying furniture in dark wood, so it looks older. The bedside table should be high and narrow, and should be comfortable to play. When you have furniture, can make them some pictures of pink, or white roses in this way will have a more personal touch.

The walls are very important in vintage style, so placing a oval mirror. The frame should go to match other bedroom furniture, and the walls of the room can be decorated with paintings, old photographs, and any object that is vintage style.

The bed should also go to match other bedroom furniture, you can place a duvet, feathers, cotton sheets and pillows on the chairs and armchairs, also can be placed at least three pillows piled on the headboard of the bed, linen fabrics can be colors like pink, white, blue and green. And if you make yourself over in the bedroom, you can put the cosmetics and makeup in round boxes decorated with flowers or wicker baskets, and to decorate, a perfume in a crystal bottle.