Cooling And Heating A Log Home

Hundreds of years ago a log cabins were heated with big fireplaces. Nowadays, homes are much larger. This means that we are faced with some problems that appear when connected with modern log home heating. According to specialists at AccuServ, in most situations the problem with cooling or heating a log home is that there is a huge discrepancy between what the system can handle and what would be needed. With this in mind, there are some important things that have to be understood.

log cabins

The Old-Fashioned Fireplace

Many of the older log cabins will use fireplaces that will simply suck out warm air from rooms. Modern fireplaces are much better since they can recirculate heat.

A highly efficient fireplace will be present right in the center of the log cabin. Stack heat is not going to be lost. The outside stack can easily create a back draft when fires are extinguished.

A new fire will be difficult to light back. It is sometimes a good idea to use multiple fireplaces. In this case you want to serious consider 2 being back-to-back, with a face towards adjoining rooms. This allows you to build a 2 flues chimney.

Unique Heating And AC Needs

If you are building a log cabin now, it is a great time to think about specific air-conditioning and heating needs. The design phase of a project is when you want to make the important choices.

A log home is quite energy-efficient by itself but this does not mean the system is skimped. Heating an entire home with a large wood stove or fireplace is possible.

However, there are normally some minimum township standards that would be needed in order for the building permit to be issued.

At the same time, you want to consider the resale value. If you want to sell a huge log home that does not have a furnace, there is a strong possibility the buyer is never actually going to appear. It is hard to install a heating or cooling system after the log cabin is finished.

Hiring Heating Specialists

If you want to be faced with the best possible setup for the log cabin, heating and cooling, it is important to at least consider hiring a heating specialist.

We have to understand that it is much easier to make mistakes than to make the proper choices in this case. If you have no idea what to choose as you want to heat the log cabin, the specialists will step in to help. They analyze everything that would have an impact on heating and cooling and then tell you what you have to know.

We normally think that a log cabin is very easy to cool or heat. This is incorrect. Because of how wood reacts to heat, different important choices need to be made. Most of the log cabins are not properly heated so be sure that you at least consider getting advice from a professional. This will help so much more than what you may think at first glance.