Why Bidets Are Not Popular in America

In many parts of the world, bidets are a common fixture in bathrooms, providing a hygienic and refreshing alternative to toilet paper. However, bidets have not gained the same popularity in America. Here we explores the reasons behind the limited adoption of bidets in the United States and discusses the potential benefits they offer.

Bidets Not Popular in America

Cultural Factors

Cultural factors play a significant role in the limited popularity of bidets in America. Here are some cultural factors that contribute to their relatively low adoption:

The Dominance of Toilet Paper

One of the primary reasons bidets are not popular in America is the cultural preference for toilet paper. Americans have traditionally relied on toilet paper for their bathroom hygiene needs. This reliance has become deeply ingrained in the culture, making it challenging for bidets to gain widespread acceptance.

Perception of Cleanliness

In American culture, cleanliness is often associated with using toilet paper. Many people believe that using toilet paper provides an adequate level of cleanliness, and the idea of water being the primary cleansing agent may be viewed as unfamiliar or unnecessary. This perception can act as a barrier to accepting bidets as a hygienic alternative.

Privacy and Personal Space

Americans generally value privacy and personal space, and this extends to the bathroom as well. Bidets, which involve the use of water and potentially require users to adjust their position on the toilet, may be seen as invasive or uncomfortable for some individuals.

The use of bidets can be perceived as a more intimate act than using toilet paper, and this cultural preference for personal space may contribute to the hesitation in adopting bidets.

Taboos and Misconceptions

Bidets are often associated with notions of luxury or being overly extravagant. Some individuals may view bidets as unnecessary or even unsanitary, due to misconceptions about their use. These misconceptions and taboos surrounding bidets contribute to the resistance in adopting them.

Related Also: Why Does Toilet Water Move When Windy?

Lack of Awareness and Exposure

The lack of awareness and exposure to bidets is indeed a significant factor contributing to their limited popularity in America. Here’s how this aspect affects bidet adoption:

Limited Availability

Bidets are not as readily available in the American market compared to other countries. While bidets can be found in upscale hotels or high-end homes, they are not commonly seen in average households. The limited availability limits the exposure and familiarity with bidets, further hindering their popularity.

Minimal Marketing Efforts

Another factor contributing to bidets’ lack of popularity is the limited marketing efforts surrounding them. Unlike other bathroom fixtures and products, bidets have not received extensive promotion or advertising in the United States. The lack of marketing campaigns and educational initiatives leaves many Americans unaware of the benefits bidets offer.

Cost and Installation

The cost and installation requirements associated with bidets can be a significant factor contributing to their limited popularity in America.

Initial Investment

Bidet systems can require a significant initial investment, which can deter individuals from considering them as an alternative. Compared to the relatively low cost of toilet paper, bidet installations can be seen as an unnecessary expense by some consumers.

Retrofitting Challenges

Installing bidets in existing bathrooms can be a challenge, especially in older homes or buildings. Retrofitting plumbing systems to accommodate bidets may require additional plumbing work and modifications, making the installation process more complicated and costly.

Renting and Mobility

Many Americans live in rental properties, where they may not have the freedom to make permanent modifications to the bathroom. Bidet installation may not be allowed or practical in such cases, limiting the adoption of bidets among renters.

Additionally, individuals who frequently move or have a mobile lifestyle may not want to invest in bidet installation due to the hassle of uninstalling and reinstalling the fixture.

Preference For Familiarity

The preference for familiarity is another factor that contributes to the limited popularity of bidets in America.

Resistance To Change

Many Americans resist change when it comes to bathroom habits and fixtures. The familiarity and simplicity of using toilet paper make it difficult for bidets to break into the mainstream. People are often hesitant to adopt new practices that deviate from their accustomed routines.

Lack of Education

Limited education and awareness about bidets also contribute to their unpopularity. Without proper understanding of how bidets work and the potential benefits they offer, individuals may not see the need to explore this alternative. Education and informative campaigns can play a crucial role in changing perceptions and increasing acceptance.

Infrastructure Limitations

Infrastructure limitations also contribute to the limited popularity of bidets in America. The following are some ways that infrastructure limitations affect the use of bidets:

Older Plumbing Systems

In some cases, bidets may not be compatible with older plumbing systems found in many American homes. Outdated infrastructure may require significant modifications or updates to accommodate bidets, posing additional challenges and expenses.

Limited Water Pressure and Temperature Control

Bidets typically require adequate water pressure for optimal functionality. In areas with low water pressure, bidets may not function as effectively as intended.

Additionally, bidets that offer temperature control may require hot water connections, which may not be readily available in all bathrooms. The limitations in water pressure and temperature control can impact the performance and convenience of bidets.

Space Constraints

Bidets typically require additional space in the bathroom, which can be a limitation in smaller or cramped bathrooms commonly found in urban areas. The lack of sufficient space can discourage homeowners and renters from considering bidet installations.


Are bidets more hygienic than toilet paper?

Bidets provide a more thorough and hygienic cleaning compared to toilet paper. They use water to cleanse, eliminating the need for excessive wiping and reducing the risk of bacterial contamination.

Do bidets waste water?

Bidets use a fraction of the water consumed during the production of toilet paper. With efficient usage, bidets can actually help conserve water in the long run.

Can bidets be installed in older homes?

While it may pose some challenges, bidets can be installed in older homes with the help of a professional plumber. However, it may require modifications to the existing plumbing system.

Are bidets suitable for individuals with mobility issues?

Bidets can be beneficial for individuals with mobility issues as they provide a more convenient and hands-free cleaning option. They can offer increased independence and improve personal hygiene.

Do bidets eliminate the need for toilet paper completely?

Bidets can significantly reduce the reliance on toilet paper, but some individuals may still choose to use a small amount for drying purposes. The reduced use of toilet paper can lead to cost savings and environmental benefits.


While bidets have gained widespread acceptance in many parts of the world, they have yet to achieve the same popularity in America. Cultural factors, limited awareness and exposure, cost and installation challenges, preference for familiarity, and infrastructure limitations all contribute to bidets’ low adoption rates. However, as awareness increases and misconceptions are dispelled, bidets may gradually become a more common fixture in American bathrooms.