You’ve probably heard lots about the potential danger of having mold in your home, but how do you know if mold is present? Here are some warning signs to look for.
The unmistakable odor
Mold has a very distinct smell. That should be your first indication that there is a mold infestation in your home. It can be tempting to ignore the smell of mold if you don’t see any visible signs of an infestation, but don’t. If you smell mold, it’s there. Always inspect your home or have it professionally inspected.
Visible signs of mold
Of course, one of the most sure-fire signs that mold is present is visible signs of growth. It’s important to inspect your home frequently so you detect mold when it first starts to grow, rather than once the infestation is more out of control. Don’t assume that those black patches on your basement walls are just dirt; they could be mold.
A history of water problems
If you’ve had a history of wet basements, leaks or other water issues, there’s a very good chance that you may soon have a mold problem. Moisture problems can be exhibited by stains or discoloration on the walls or ceiling, as well as abnormal peeling or bubbling of the wallpaper or cracking of the paint on your walls.
Also, if you feel the walls and they appear extraordinarily cold or even damp to the touch that could also indicate the presents of moisture and a higher risk of the growth of mold.
If you notice condensation on your walls, on your windows or around your pipes that could be a sign that conditions are favorable for the growth of mold.
Condensation provides the ideal growing conditions for mold and could be an indication that the overall humidity level in your home is too high. Humidity breeds mold, so if you see condensation buildup in your home it’s important to start looking for signs of mold.
If your family members are chronically ill with asthma, cough, bronchitis, sinus problems or other respiratory issues, mold could be to blame. Mold spores can cause a variety of health issues, so if your family members seem to be falling victim to respiratory conditions that don’t seem to want to go away, it’s a good idea to check your home for mold.
If you detect any of these symptoms, you could have mold in your home. If you aren’t sure how to inspect your home for mold, contact an expert. And to avoid the growth of mold in the first place, it’s a good idea to have your home waterproofed.
The most important thing is that if you detect some signs of mold in your home, you address them immediately. Small infestations are much more effectively cured and removed than a more extensive one, so diligent inspection and quick action are always the best courses of action where household mold is concerned.